Has being home more uncovered some aggravating home technology problems?

It’s been at least a full week of social distancing for most of us. And with shelter-in-place orders coming from an ever-expanding list of state governments one thing is all but certain – we will all be spending a lot more time at home.  This means almost 24-hour interaction with the technology and supporting infrastructure in your home.

What may have been small inconveniences may now cause major headaches.

Has spending all this time at home brought to light some deficiencies in your home’s technology? Perhaps there are  items you’ve known about for some time, but put off because they weren’t too serious or you just put off fixing them because you didn’t encounter them very often. But now that you are home all day and are dealing with the issue repeatedly, they have become infuriating.  Or, there may be fundamental problems with parts of the technology that are preventing you from working and living effectively in your home–particularly with all the members of the family using the house systems simultaneously.  Have you encountered:

  • Slow wifi, or areas of the home without coverage, making it difficult to work where you want too;
  • An outdated or non-existent door intercom that doesn’t allow you to see who is at the front door;
  • Audio/video systems that seem to require a degree in neuroscience to operate or that don’t work at all;
  • Complex control of other systems (lighting control, climate control, surveillance cameras, etc.) that leave you scratching your head;
  • That ridiculous manual shade in your office you wish you could push a button and lower;
  • Insufficient or low-quality surveillance camera coverage; or
  • Older touch panels and interfaces that feel outdated and could use a refresh?

Ok, so you have a list of items you would like addressed, but does the thought of talking to your AV guy cause about as much anxiety as Covid-19?

You not alone. Many homeowners are hesitant to reach out to a technology integrator or they don’t have one they know and trust.  They wonder, “Why does it cost so much?”, “How do I know if they are charging me a fair price?”, “Is this integrator just going to tell me I need to upgrade everything?”, “Am I going to pay a bunch of money only for things to still not work for me?” I hear these sentiments from owners all the time, and they are valid. 

There are lots of good integrators in the marketplace that will do good work at a fair price. And–as with any industry–there are some bad ones. The problem is the average owner has no way of knowing the good from the bad until it’s too late. They also have virtually no way of knowing if the pricing they are getting is fair unless they review proposals from several different integrators.  And, even owners who do get multiple quotes find it almost impossible to get apples-to-apples comparisons.  Good, reputable integrators often lose work to less reliable companies because their pricing is a bit higher. This could be due to the lesser firm excluding items, using inferior products, or underpricing their services due to lack of experience.  Owners may get a deal up front but will pay for it later when the system doesn’t work, or the installing firm is out of business. Conversely, an owner may get connected to a large integration firm who does large, complex, multi-discipline, whole-home automation systems, but that level of system may not be what is needed or desired.  There are lots of smaller, more streamlined firms out there that are better qualified to do a smaller system and offer the owner a better value.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone knowledgeable that could help you figure this all out without trying to sell you something?

In some major markets there is! This is exactly the role of the independent technology consultant. Just like an owner’s agent or fiduciary, the technology consultant works in the best interest of the client. A technology consultant provides owners with independent third-party advice and advocacy on all aspects of home technology.  The consultant does not sell, install, program, or service any of the equipment, so he/she is free to recommend only what is best for the client and their budget. And since the consultant is not selling any of the equipment, he/she has no incentive to try and up-sell the systems beyond what is required or desired. This means you get what you want and need.

What to expect when working with a technology consultant

A good technology consultant will start by meeting with you to discuss the issues you are having and/or items you would like to improve with your home’s technology. Then, the consultant will evaluate your current system and provide a report on its condition and functionality. Unlike the AV integrator, who makes money on what products you buy, the consultant provides a bias-free assessment of what you actually need. He/she will walk you through all the available options and help you make an informed, value-based decision on what upgrades to pursue and provide estimates on what it will cost.    

Once a decision has been made to move forward on a project, the consultant will help you find a trusted integrator to perform the work.  A good consultant will match the scope of work with an integrator that has an excellent reputation working with the specific products and services selected for your home. The consultant will also review the integrators’ proposals and contracts to ensure you are getting a system at a fair price and built using industry best-practices. If you have an integrator you have worked with in the past and would like to retain that relationship, the consultant can act as an intermediary.  The consultant will send the integrator specifications of what you would like to have accomplished and can review the designs and proposals.

If you find yourself stuck at home and realize that your home’s tech isn’t getting the job done, now might be a great time to get started…And why not start with a technology consultant to guide you through the process?

About Jason Lehnhardt Consulting
Jason Lehnhardt Consulting is a technology consulting firm specializing in luxury residential properties. Jason has been in the technology and home automation industry for nearly 20 years.  Before founding JLC He spent 16 years with one of the most well-regarded integration firms in Chicago working with the most recognizable names in business, sports, and entertainment.  He also spent two years with CannonDesign, a large commercial architecture and engineering firm.  At Cannon Jason was on the technology consulting team providing design and consulting services to some of the most well-known companies and institutions in the country.  He has worked on both sides of the fence and leverages this diverse experience to service his clients.

If you would like more information or to schedule a call or video call, please visit our website www.jltechconsulting.com